Reporting expenses and benefits to HMRC

Industry News - 3rd July 2024

The deadline for submitting the 2023-24 forms P11D, P11D(b) and P9D is 6 July 2024. These forms can be submitted using commercial software or via HMRC’s PAYE online service. HMRC no longer accepts paper P11D and P11D(b) forms.

Employees must also be provided with a copy of the information relating to them on these forms by the same date. P11D forms are used to provide information to HMRC on all Benefits in Kind (BiKs), including those under the Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OpRAs), unless the employer has registered to payroll benefits.

There are penalties of £100 per 50 employees for each month or part month a P11D(b) is late. There are also penalties and interest for late payments of Class 1A NIC.

Any tax or National Insurance due for 2023-24 under a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) needs to be paid electronically to clear into HMRC’s bank account by 22 October 2024 (19 October 2024 for payments by cheque). This does not need to be reported on a P11D form. If you need support with any of your payroll or accounting needs, please contact us.

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