Xero Accountants In London

Industry News - 20th June 2018

Most small business owners quickly come to the conclusion that managing their own financial affairs is not a good use of their time, particularly if they’re not used to basic functions such as payroll, order-filing and other administrative accounting tasks. For this reason, most non-finance-savvy business owners hire their own accountants to take over the smooth running of their accounts. In recent years, however, another option has become available with the emergence of cloud-based accounting software service, Xero, which simplifies accounting through its functionality and its online connectivity.

Looking for Xero advice? Read more here.

At Perrigo Consultants, we specialise in Xero accountancy and we’ve helped train a great many companies to use the software, watching them grow and become more profitable as a result. Switching over to a whole new accounting system can be a little daunting for many companies of course, which is why our consultancy is so useful. We can give you all the help you need to get you up to scratch and feeling confident enough with the system to use it on your own.

What are the advantages of switching to Xero Accounting?

The biggest and most obvious advantage to Xero accounting is its slick functionality and stripped-back minimalist aesthetic. By which we mean, Xero allows you to jettison all of your old-fashioned systems that rely on endless piles of paper, filing cabinets and spreadsheets. Instead of all that, Xero gathers all of your data together in the cloud, making it ultra-efficient. The fact that it’s cloud-based also means that you and your co-workers can access your accounts at any time and in any place, as long as they have an internet connection.

Indeed, connectivity is key when it comes to Xero accounting. Because it is cloud-based, Xero can also work across multiple devices of all different kinds, including tablet, phone, PC and Mac, giving you ultimate control and permanent access to your accounts. This means you can update your accounts, build your networks, create invoices, bill customers, apply for loans and keep an eye on your business’s performance anytime, anywhere.

What can Perrigo Consultants offer when it comes to consultancy services?

As well as training you and your team to use Xero, Perrigo Consultants can also offer telephone support and regular meetings, in the flesh, whenever necessary. While Xero is nothing short of a revolution in cloud-based accountancy, it’s also true that no piece of accounting software can compete with hands-on, face-to-face advice from a real-life experienced accountant.

Our consultancy service offers the following advantages:

  • We can provide full Xero training, support and help with initial set-up
  • We can help you convert to Xero from any existing software that you’re using
  • We can make sure that Xero is set up to help make the stress of your financial affairs a distant memory.

As a Xero-savvy firm of certified chartered accountants serving London, Birmingham, the West Midlands and countrywide, we provide unbeatable support to companies looking to get on board with the latest that cloud technology has to offer, streamlining and improving their operations in the process. If you’re a London business, we’re more than happy to come and visit you personally. We’re also able to keep our prices more competitive than most accountants in the capital.

For more information about Xero accounting, or to discuss how Perrigo Consultants can help you make the leap, give us a call on 01299 488860. Or drop us an email: enquiries@perrigoconsultants.co.uk

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